The Wind Of God Is Blowing

Words By: Les D. Crause
Music By: Les D. Crause

Full Song

Words Only

The wind of God is blowing on you To take away everything that’s bad So many things that you’ve been holding onto If they are not from Him they have to go So stand and let the wind do What you cannot do And you’ll become a vessel That God can use today Chorus Here I stand Lord Take away all that must go Take me and purge me so you can use me Make me a vessel of honor Take me and use me today

With Chords

C F G C The wind of God is blowing on you Am G C To take away everything that’s bad F C So many things that you’ve been holding onto G C If they are not from Him they have to go F So stand and let the wind do C What you cannot do G And you’ll become a vessel C That God can use today Chorus Em G C F G C Here I stand Lord Take away all that must go Dm G Em Am Take me and purge me so you can use me F G C Make me a vessel of honor G C Take me and use me today