Let Your Power Begin To Fall

Words By: Les D. Crause
Music By: Les D. Crause

Full Song

Words Only

O Lord send your power And move upon each one O Lord send your power As we glorify the Son Come Holy Spirit we pray Come sweet Jesus the Way Come Father God in your might And shine your glorious light Come Mighty El Shaddai The God who is over all Come Lord Jesus our savior Let your power begin to fall

With Chords

A D O Lord send your power A E And move upon each one A D O Lord send your power A E As we glorify the Son A D Come Holy Spirit we pray A E Come sweet Jesus the Way A D Come Father God in your might A E A And shine your glorious light D A Come Mighty El Shaddai E A The God who is over all D A Come Lord Jesus our savior E A Let your power begin to fall