The Spirit of God is Upon Me
Words By: Les D. Crause
Music By: Les D. Crause
Words Only
The Spirit of God is upon me His anointing is flowing freely To preach good news to the poor And heal broken hearts To set the captives free And open blinded eyes To free those who are bruised Come Holy Spirit Breathe upon us now Come touch each heart and life Let inner fears and hurts disappear As your presence is revealed Every burden is removed As you fill each heart with peace and joy Break every bond and set your people free Let pain and suf fering cease And heal ing spring forth Then let the people of God rejoice For His glory is revealed
With Chords
D Em The Spirit of God is upon me A7 D His anointing is flowing freely Bm F#m To preach good news to the poor G A7 And heal broken hearts D Em To set the captives free A7 D And open blinded eyes G A7 To free those who are bruised D Bm Come Holy Spirit Em A7 Breathe upon us now Bm F#m Come touch each heart and life Em A7 D Let inner fears and hurts disappear Bm As your presence is revealed Em A7 Every burden is removed Bm F#m As you fill each heart with peace and joy Em A7 D Break every bond and set your people free Bm F#m Let pain and suffering cease Em D And healing spring forth G D Then let the people of God rejoice A7 D For His glory is revealed